Tuesday, May 22, 2007

His and Her Buildings

This is the new garden shed. It's a 8' x 16'.

This is Lil T & Big T's work shop. It's 20'x20'.

This is just a shot from the back door to show how they fit in the backyard.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Mardi Gras 2006

Friday night parade getting ready to roll.

The whole gang at "Pas 2 La".

Big Red

This is Lil T's red truck. He's had this truck for 16 years. It's well over 200,000 miles and just this past year had the factory clutch replaced. He takes very good care of this truck. He loves this truck. You know how I know he loves this truck. Because I found his yellow magnetic "support the troops" sticker laying inside his truck and when I asked him why he had taken it off he said, "It was leaving a mark on the paint."

Now I ask you, as you look at the next pictures, "How in the hell would you know?"

Monday, January 23, 2006

Mardi Gras Ball 2006

Ok, so I couldn't get him to wear tights, but he makes a rather cute Musketeer looking guy.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

The latest shop pics

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Menopause Mansion

So this is the beginning of ... The Workshop ... that Lil T and Big T are building together. Yes, that is the entire corner of our backyard. As T says, "It's only 20' x 20'. I ran out of yard."

They did enlist the help of our friend Sean. You will notice the ropes strapped from corner to corner. That's how you square a building in Louisiana.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My Cookie Monster

Everyone knows I have a cookie monster in the house. And the cookie dough arrived yesterday! You know, the buckets of dough that someone is always selling for their kid's school. Makes pretty good cookies.

We bought some last year. I made cookies from about half, put the other half back in the freezer. Months went by and I finally noticed that bucket still in the freezer. So, I thought I'd treat Lil T to some cookies. I get the bucket out ... ONE TEASPOON OF DOUGH LEFT!

He'd been getting into it one spoonful at a time! Why leave just one teaspoon? Why not just finish it off?

He's unstoppable.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

You Left It In The Fridge?

I go to the fridge for a drink, find the jug of milk. Sometimes you just have to have a swig of ice cold delicious milk. And living in a house with just two people, you can drink out of the carton. Trust me. It's ok. So I lift that little plastic jug up and take a wonderful cooling gulp of milk ... and promptly spit it out all over the kitchen. I look at the expiration date. FIVE DAYS AGO! Ewwww! Then I remembered my dear husband has been eating cereal for breakfast all week. Oh my. So I say to him, "Hon, haven't you been eating cereal in the morning for breakfast?" "Yeah, but I haven't been using any milk because I think it's bad."

And would it have killed you to pour it out before your lovely wife drank it? Love gets us through.